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Why should you use Blue Car Technologies’ DocuSign Connector for NetDocuments?


Updated: Jun 23, 2023

DocuSign eSignature accelerates agreements, eliminates manual tasks, and makes it easy to connect with applications you already use, such as NetDocuments.

Benefits of using DocuSign

Send and sign agreements securely from virtually any device. Up to 80% of agreements are completed in less than a day, and 44% in less than 15 minutes.

DocuSign eSignature eliminates manual tasks and increases convenience for your customers and employees.

DocuSign eSignature saves an average of £30 per agreement by reducing hard costs and improving employee productivity.

With Blue Car Technologies’ DocuSign Connector for NetDocuments, your team will benefit from the seamless integration with NetDocuments whilst improving governance and traceability of the entire DocuSign signing experience.  

With a simple single right-click, user can initiate the DocuSign signing experience within their DMS environment and signed documents with the signing certificate and history document coming back to NetDocs automatically.

Business Benefits of Blue Car’s NetDocs Connector

Increase efficiency

Integrate signing processes directly into NetDocuments, reducing task time by completely eliminating the “print-sign-scan-file” process.

Improve governance and compliance

Enforce firmwide DMS integration policy, reducing human error and providing a comprehensive audit trail of the entire esigning process.

Ensure security and validity

Any recipient of a document digitally signed with the DocuSign Connector can easily verify the signature.

Paperless signature approvals

Skip the process of having to print documents only to sign and scan them back in. Go paperless without drastic changes to existing processes.

Learn more about our DocuSign Connector for NetDocuments - DocuSign Integration for NetDocuments | Blue Car Technologies and feel free to book in a demo with our team to see the integration in action.


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